Save the date!
You are invited to be a part of a gathering to reflect on our community’s progress since the Hazelwood Mine fire 10 years ago.
Please share with friends and family, all are welcome!
When: Saturday, February 17th, 2024
Where: At the newly refurbished Kernot Hall, 50-70 Princes Dr, Morwell, VIC 3840
Time: Time and program to be confirmed soon.
+ Free community lunch
+ Free kids activities & music
+ Talks with Q&A covering: how far we’ve come, our health, mine rehabilitation, livability & more
+ Film screenings
+ Join in on creating a community mural
+ Record your history (oral history recording booth)
+ Work by local artists
+ Interactive stalls & booths
+ Latrobe Valley history & memorabilia
+ Workshops
+ And more to be announced
With discussions and talks covering how far we’ve come as a community since the Hazelwood mine fire, health and wellbeing impacts, mine rehabilitation plans for Hazelwood and surrounding mines, plus climate active communities.
The community day aims to be a mix of celebrating our wins and the power of community advocacy, while also respecting the enormity of the impact that the fire had on our community.
This event will include a double film premiere of Environment Victoria’s short documentary series featuring unheard stories from a diverse range of community members. And, the Victorian premiere of After The Smoke! After the Smoke tells the story of Wendy Farmer, president of Voices of the Valley, who recounts how the devastating Hazelwood mine fire led her and many other community members to find their voice as community advocate’s.
About the event team:
The event has been created as part of independent Latrobe Valley-based filmmakers, Josie Hess & Stephanie Sabrinskas’ impact campaign for short film, After The Smoke (2023).
After the Smoke was supported by ABC, VicScreen & Doc Society
This impact event is supported by Doc Society.